Jerk Needle Awl

$19.50 CAD

This heavy-duty Jerk Needle Awl features a fixed blade and an open hook near the pointed end. It can penetrate heavyweight leather, making hand stitching and repair work significantly easier. To use it, you poke the awl through the leather, place the thread in the hook, and pull it back through. This action creates a loop on the backside, allowing you to secure the ends of the thread and tighten them on both sides. Then, you repeat the process. This technique produces an interlocking loop stitch similar to that of a sewing machine.

- Heavy duty awl with open hook.
- Sharp, pointy tip that can penetrate heavyweight leather.
- Hardwood handle.

  • Size: ~4.5" long, 1.5" long blade
  • Material: Hardwood handle with brass ferrule
  • Country of Origin: Taiwan